iOS/Swift Projects

All projects were created by using native Swift 3 to Swift 5.

Brezaa App

About the project

• Debugging and new design implementation with new futures.

• Manage 3 junior devs, Builds with TestFlight published to Apple app store and tech doc preparation.

• ObjC/Swift 4/5 & SwiftUI based on Clean architecture MVC/MVVM

• Jira, Slack and Asana

• Used GitHub for version control and code reviewing

• Implemented new design and features swipe left/right full screen, GPS Location and QR camera scanning.

• Provided release builds with TestFlight published to Apple app store.

Eventogy App

About the project

• Solo iOS developer in Agile team of 10 in Eventogy App and sub apps

• Debugging, testing and code improvement with release builds via TestFlight published to Apple app store.

• Strictly implemented Clean architecture MVC

• Swift 5 used exclusively

• BitBucket and GitHub for version control and code reviewing

• Used GitHub for version control and code reviewing

• Used Favro, Firebase, KeyChain and etc.

• Provided release builds with TestFlight published to Apple app store.

Bagboard App

About the project

• The project was created by using Agile team of 8 people and daily SCRUM stand ups

• Worked with a highly modularised and strictly implemented Clean architecture MVP/MVVM

• Swift 5 used exclusively

• Used Bitrise for Continuous Integration and CD

• Used JIRA for task management and sprint planning

• Used GitHub for version control and code reviewing

• Implemented new design and features swipe left/right full screen, GPS Location and QR camera scanning.

• Provided release builds with TestFlight published to Apple app store.

Crystal Ski App

About the project

• Worked in team of 5 people, Agile environment and daily standups

• Worked with a highly modularized and strictly implemented Clean architecture in Swift

• Swift 3 used exclusively

• Used Bitrise for Continuous Integration

• Used JIRA for task management and sprint planning

• Used Zeplin for design and asset management

• Used BitBucket for version control and code reviewing

• Mentored other junior developers to solve complex code problems

• Implemented new features, like boarding passes, meet the team and transfers in Crystal Ski app

• Migrated from Swift 3 to Swift 5 in Crystal Ski app

• Deep linking using HTTP URL to TUI booking system in Crystal Ski app

• Provided release builds to be published to the Apple app store

Couch25K App

About the project

• Worked in team of 5 people, Agile environment and daily standups

• Worked with a highly modularized and strictly implemented Clean architecture in Swift

• Swift 5 used exclusively

• Used Bitrise for Continuous Integration

• Used JIRA for task management and sprint planning

• Used Zeplin for design and asset management

• Used BitBucket for version control and code reviewing

• Mentored other junior developers to solve complex code problems

• Provided release builds to be published to the Apple app store

• Implemented visual and voice accessibility features in Couch to 5K app

• Implemented new onboarding flow and redesigned several parts of the Couch to 5K app

MealPal App

About the project

• Worked with Backlog to track user story, progress & bugs

• Followed GitFlow when managing code base in GitHub

• Was involved in multiple Pair Programming and Code Review sessions to ensure code quality

• Project was written in Swift 4.x, later migrated to Swift 5.x

• Worked with MapKit to display the locations of MealPal participating restaurants

• Worked with SDWebImage to asynchronously fetch images

• Worked with Alamofire to interact with the REST server.

• Provided release builds with TestFlight published to Apple app store.

• Test-Driven-Development when creating test cases using XCTest

• Used various patterns including; Model-View-Presenter (MVP), Dependency Injection, Factory, Delegation

MyMusic App

About the project

• Worked with a highly modularized and strictly implemented Clean architecture in Swift

• Swift 5 used exclusively

• Used Bitrise for Continuous Integration

• Used JIRA for task management and sprint planning

• Used Zeplin for design and asset management

• Used GitHub for version control and code reviewing

iOS 12, CoreData, XCTest, UIKit, WebKit, Alamofire, Autolayout, ProgressHUD

Project code is visible at GitHub .

GitHub Search App

About the project

• Solo project

• Worked with a highly modularized and strictly implemented Clean architecture in Swift

• Swift 5 used exclusively

• Used JIRA for task management and sprint planning

• Used Zeplin for design and asset management

• Used GitHub for version control and code reviewing

iOS 12, CoreData, XCTest, UIKit, WebKit, URLSession, Autolayout, ProgressHUD

Project code is visible at GitHub .
