RUBY, JAVA and JS Projects

All projects were created by using vanilla Ruby, Java 10, JavaScript, HTML5 and CSS3.

War of wizards - Game

About the project

War of Wizards RUBY project Mob App Game and Learning system for Ruby beginners. The user can learn different functions during playing the game. The project was created by using Ruby, PostgreSQL, HTML5, CSS3, Heroku CI and Sinatra. Project code is visible at GitHub .

CodeClan Analytica for Tweet analyses

About the project

JavaScript project: CodeClan Collaborative Project - Tweet analysis app. Group Agile project used JavaScript, Node JS, Scrum, Trello, Atom/VisualStudio, MongoDB, Express, Insomnia, SOLID principles, Heroku CI and Git. Project code is visible at GitHub .

Weather App

About the project

JavaScript project: Simple Weather App that works in Fahrenheit. Collaborative project with Gergana (Gigi) in JavaScript, Node JS, Scrum, Atom/VisualStudio, Express, SOLID principles, Heroku CI and Git. Project code is visible at GitHub .

Secret Garden - holiday booking system

About the project

JAVA project: Holiday booking system "Secret Garden" which allows users to plan and book trips by choosing a specific area with attractions, The users and the partners company of the platform will have special bonus system for discounts. The project was created by using JAVA 10, Velocity, Hibernate and Spark. The project dode is visible at GitHub .

Brewdog collection

About the project

JavaScript project: Pub Sub and JSON. System for ordering beer and on line payment. Solo project used JavaScript, Node JS, Scrum, Trello, Atom/VisualStudio, MongoDB, Express, Insomnia, SOLID principles and Git. Project code is visible at GitHub .

Bucket list

About the project

JavaScript Full-stack project: Pub Sub and JSON. System for adding objects. Group Agile project used JavaScript, Node JS, Scrum, Trello, Atom/VisualStudio, MongoDB, Express, Insomnia, SOLID principles and Git. Project code is visible at GitHub .
