Emil Vaklinov

Software Developer & Project Manager

Ruby/Java/JS projects

iOS/SWIFT projects

Festivals & Contests

Investments & innovations


Local Time:

About Me

I am a proactive person looking for new challenges and shared satisfaction.

My work

In this portfolio you can see some of my professional work and projects which demonstrate my experience as a Software Developer using iOS languages, Swift, Java, JS and Ruby as well as further experience in other industries connected to Fintech, hospitality, festivals as well as more creative ventures such as online photo and short film contests creation and management. In the last years I had the privilege to work with small start-ups and big companies like TUI/CrystalSki, Bagboard, Vidatec, NHS, MealPal, Rich Developmet and others.

Skills and coding experience

I have completed several intensive training courses and boot camps from 2011 until now through Sofia University, Code Clan Academy, IT Professional Training and The AppExperts where I studied iOS AppDev, SWIFT 3/5+, Ruby, Java, JS, HTML5, CSS3, GitFlow, Node.js, UX Design, Agile work, Project management and much more. Some of my code and work can be seen in my Coding Projects or in the active links at the top of the page. This platform of projects and gathered experience is the cornerstone of my future development.

My diverse background and detailed experience can be seen in Linkedin.

I love to make the dreams real
